Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Wow...it's been a looong time since I've posted! Life is just busy! Every day brings with it a new adventure! Ok let's face it calling it an adventure makes it sound fun, and may I just say, sometimes days just suck!!! There I said it! Now, many of the days between my last post and today haven't sucked, just a few. Yesterday being one of them. So, I ran a short run, then went home and ate cake and ice cream and felt a little better ; )
So, with all that said, I must talk about the title of this post. Last Friday, I went farther than I ever have. I ran 3.3 miles! That is more than a 5k (3.1 miles), so I feel like I am pretty ready for the Crim 5k. It's less than a month away and I am so excited! I can't wait! This "journey" has been fun and gruelling all at the same time. Just like life we may have a "suckish" day and then very easy, peasy days. We just have to push through. So, no matter what your journey entails, push through and don't give up! A friend reminded me today of a verse that will help with this...I can do ALL things through CHRIST who strengthens me!!! You can too! So, I don't have a picture that goes well with this post, but this little smile really makes every day a little easier! The day that we took this, we spent the day at Lake Michigan. It was a very good day : )