Saturday, September 25, 2010

Race Day!

So, it's been nearly a month since "race day"! I know this is way late, but it's been busy around here with kids school, my school, work, football, dance lessons, and just life in general. I am also a bit of a procrastinator. I have been thinking about what to write since running in the race even, but really wanted to have time to sit and get my thoughts together. I learned so many life lessons during this journey. So, here goes...

Let's start with the night before. Usually the night before any event, outing, or vacation, I stay up all night to get everything in order and packed. I have this obsession about the house being just so and it's usually mom who packs and makes food, you know the drill. Many times, I get just a few hours of sleep and am exhausted. But, this time I had to think of myself! I had to make sure that I was "in order". This was hard for me and I had to let a few things go in order to get to bed at a decent time. So, I did, and you know what? The world didn't come to an end even though everything wasn't perfect. Lesson one!
Saturday morning. Time to get up and get ready for my very first race! I was nervous and excited, but confident. My running partner and I had been training for this day, and it was here! My family was just as excited for this event. I ate a good but light breakfast and skipped the coffee. Yes, that's right. For those who know me well, know that I NEED coffee! I'm like the guy on the McD's commercial that says, "Don't talk to me until I have my coffee." But, caffeine isn't so great for a running mom of three...if ya know what I mean. I won't go into detail. Anyway, we set off for downtown Flint. I started getting a caffeine headache and forgot any meds to help with that! Luckily, my running partner's hubby came to the rescue and brought me a little blue pill...Aleve! I was feeling ready. We arrived after walking quite a ways to the race site. The energy was amazing! There were thousands of people all with the same goal...finish! The music was loud and there was excitement in the air! I was so thrilled to be part of this! After a couple of times waiting in the longest restroom lines ever, we started stretching and prepping ourselves for the Start line.
It's time. We made our way to join the mob of runners, because now we were runners! We blended in with thousands of people who had been running for years and those who were beginners like us, but we were one of them! From the moment that I "crossed over" to join the mob of runners, I could feel their energy. All of these people encouraging each other and themselves and having the same goal. It was amazing and entrancing! My step dad joined me in this race. He has been an encouragement through this process. He's an experienced runner and I was a little nervous to run with him, since I was just a beginner. I told him to go ahead of me if he needed to! I wasn't sure how I would do, but my goal was to run the entire 3.1 miles without stopping and finish in under 40 minutes. I was just going to be happy to finish, but goals are important!
Runners, go! We were off, it was a little crowded at first, but then it cleared up and we were able to run. I got so caught up in the moment and just took off! I had my Ipod filled with songs to keep my spirits up and keep me moving. It was quite warm and sunny, but perfect weather. It was so encouraging to see people running, it was as if we were all running partners and enjoying a nice run together. There were people along the way handing out cups of water and people cheering us on. It was about half way through that I realized that I had started out pretty fast. I was just so caught up in the moment that I didn't really pace myself. It was getting a little hard. My music was blaring in my ear, sweat was running down my face. About a mile to go and I started to get a cramp in my side. This didn't happen often for me during training, just when I pushed myself to go faster or farther. I tried changing my breathing, and that helped a bit. I decided to ignore it and kept running. The song playing in my ear was Lose Yourself by Eminem. I know, he's not the best role model or whatever, but that song talks about being in the moment and losing yourself. During my race I thought to myself, we have to lose ourselves or ourselves will make us lose! "Myself" wanted to stop running, "Myself" was in pain, "Myself" would have rather stayed in bed that morning. I was recharged and got my "second" wind. I was on it! I had decided that I was in charge of me. Pain was not in charge of me, fear was not in charge of me, insecurity was not in charge of me! I can do all things through Christ who gives me the strength! I remember starting to see familiar sights from the area where we started, I was almost there! I came upon the 3 mile marker and started tearing up, the finish was just around the corner!!! I turned the corner and saw the finish line banner, and started crying. In my ear I heard the line of that song and it said in nicer words, Success is my only option, failure's not! I crossed the finish line! I cried my eyes out, not because of any pain, but because I did it! I ran the whole 3.1 miles and finished in 33:55! That was better than any attempt prior to the race! The sense of accomplishment was overwhelming! My family and friends were there to greet me, it was perfect!!! My kids got to see their mom reach a goal. They were proud of me. So, I hope that my decision to "lose myself" will change the course for my family to live a healthier more active lifestyle. I am so proud of my running partner Dana and I! We did it! We worked so hard to fit running in all summer long. We ran before the crack of dawn and at night and anytime in between. WE DID IT!!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

3.3!!!'s been a looong time since I've posted! Life is just busy! Every day brings with it a new adventure! Ok let's face it calling it an adventure makes it sound fun, and may I just say, sometimes days just suck!!! There I said it! Now, many of the days between my last post and today haven't sucked, just a few. Yesterday being one of them. So, I ran a short run, then went home and ate cake and ice cream and felt a little better ; )
So, with all that said, I must talk about the title of this post. Last Friday, I went farther than I ever have. I ran 3.3 miles! That is more than a 5k (3.1 miles), so I feel like I am pretty ready for the Crim 5k. It's less than a month away and I am so excited! I can't wait! This "journey" has been fun and gruelling all at the same time. Just like life we may have a "suckish" day and then very easy, peasy days. We just have to push through. So, no matter what your journey entails, push through and don't give up! A friend reminded me today of a verse that will help with this...I can do ALL things through CHRIST who strengthens me!!! You can too! So, I don't have a picture that goes well with this post, but this little smile really makes every day a little easier! The day that we took this, we spent the day at Lake Michigan. It was a very good day : )

Saturday, July 17, 2010

My Journey Partner

I haven't been on here in a while, life has been busy. That's the way with most journeys! While on the way, traveling on your journey you may stop for a rest or take a detour, but you're still on your journey and you'll eventually get to where you're heading! The journey that prompted this blog is going very well. I have only about 10 lbs to go with my weight loss, and I did buy that little bikini that I previously wrote about...and wore it in public, by the way!!! Although, maybe I felt more liberated because I was many miles from home and I didn't know anyone there, but anyway I wore a bikini for the first time in my life this summer and felt pretty darn cute in it!!!
So, the reason for the title of this wordy blog is while traveling on this weight loss/fitness journey that I'm on, my hubby and I are embarking on a new adventure. I'm very excited about this and glad to be taking this "detour" with him! I can't share any details with you just yet...but, in the next few months to come I will share more than you'll probably want to hear about! I just feel so blessed that God sent me the perfect partner for this journey called life. Now, we have seen our share of "bumpy roads", along the way and no we don't claim to be perfect. We have been married almost 14 years and still after the "bumpy roads" of life, I still wouldn't choose a different person to be "traveling" with! The past couple of years has helped shape us and brought us closer to God and to each other. I think that if we have gotten through the difficulties of losing a profitable business, financial stresses, job searching stress, on top of everyday mommy/daddy stuff we can do anything...TOGETHER!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Weigh- in Wednesday...

135.5!!!! I'm super excited about my progress! I now weigh less than when I got married, and even less than when Jeff proposed! I enjoyed the July 4th weekend, and allowed myself a cheat day ; ) The good thing is that I got right back on track the next day. The longer I eat better the more I realize that when I eat a lot of sugar or "junk", I just don't feel good. Remembering this will keep me on track, I hope! I hope your Independence day was a happy one too! 9.5 more lbs to go!!!! YAY!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Comfort Run

So today is Saturday!!! Yay, I love weekends! This past week proved to be a very challenging week. To start the week off I had two Dr. appointments on Monday, one on Wednesday, hubby and I had to cover for one of my friends, who works the small side business that we still have, and on top of all the extra, worked lots of hours. Ok...not asking for pity or an "awe you poor thing". I'm just setting the scene for what would normally cause a diet disaster! STRESS! To my surprise, I could not wait to go run! It was the thing that I looked forward to! It has become my escape. In the buried past, I would have escaped to Taco Bell, or to any ice cream parlor to drown my stress, but not this time! I LOVE running! Even after a looooong stressful day, I can't wait to run. This is just not like me. I am not the girl who stuck to a regular exercise routine, but there is something different about running. I am now a "runner girl" and I love it! I can't wait for the Crim! So instead of getting some comfort from filling my belly with things that are not the best for me, I am now finding comfort in the warm breeze, the sound of my feet hitting the pavement, the sweat dripping down my face and the awesome feeling of accomplishment when I have challenged myself to go a little bit farther! Trust me even as I read this I think, "who is this girl typing these words". It is the new me, the me that has decided to take care of me, the me that wants my kids to see their mommy healthy and fit, the me that is following God's plan and not being so stressed that I fumble around blindly doing my own thing. I am living life on purpose, making choices on purpose! So, in pushing through this week, and making good choices, I weighed in this morning at 135.5!!!! This is an 11 year low. So, whatever you're facing on your journey, don't give up! Push through and find some comfort in something that will make you a better you!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Weigh- in Wednesday...

Well, today is that day I promised...Weigh-in Wednesday. It seems that the closer to my goal that I get, the slower and harder it is to shed these last few pounds. I still have 12 to go, but I am not giving up! I've been eating good and exercising, so maybe I just need a "cheat day"!!! See, I told you that it's important to bury the past mindset! It tries to creep up and tell me to go and have chinese food...the really greasy kind : ) But, it is about health and that stuff just isn't good for me! This week I had to go for my first Mammogram and today followed up with an ultrasound. this was a bit scary and though I was standing in faith that everything would be fine, my mind was going all over the place about it! I was told today that everything was "A-OK". Going through little "scares" like this makes you reevaluate health, life and the things that are important! So my weight loss isn't just about looking like a "hot mamma", it's so much more about health and being a good example to my kids! Mom's, you are so important and it is important to take a little time to care for YOU!!!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Let the past go!

Well, this whole blog idea has really just been a nice idea! Like many things that seem like good ideas when first started, I didn't realize how I just really don't have the time to manage this "thing" too! So, my posts will be scattered. I will try to do a "Weigh in Wednesday" to track my weight loss goal, which by the way is only 12 lbs. from becoming a reality! Then here and there I will post on my running progress. So here is my second installment! Enjoy : )

The reason I called this " Let the past go " is because there are just things in my past that try to hold me back, and just minutes ago I shared with my 8 yr. old that we don't dig up things that are buried. So let me explain. Billy the toad was Brendan's new pet. We purchased a new habitat for the little hopping creature and bought him food pellets, the works. To our dismay Billy the toad didn't like the pellets so he went on a hunger strike and refused to eat, and died. Brendan had a burial for the little guy. Brendan's friend came over to play today and he wanted to show his friend the "evidence". I told Brendan that once we bury something we don't dig it back up. We let it go. This simple command spoke something to me. I have started many diet and exercise plans and have not completed or stuck to just about all of them. So this time I have been fighting the past that wants to take a "cheat" day, or just not follow through. But, I've decided that this is not just a good idea, but the way that I am going to live for the rest of my new healthy life!!! The past is in the ground, and I am not digging it back up!!! Food is not going to be the focus of every event in my life, but a way to sustain life. I have made a commitment to run the Crim 5K in August and I am following through!!! My running partner and I ran 25 minutes straight for the first time in both of our lives the other night! It was such an amazing feeling, and yesterday for the first time in my life I tried on bikinis with the surprised hope of actually going in public wearing one! I'm not quite there yet, but maybe this summer ; ) I know these things may seem trivial to some, but when you've grown up not feeling good about the way you look and feel about yourself, when you finally start to find that person that you were meant to be, it is exhilarating! So, that's where I am today. I hope that this will encourage you to bury the past mistakes, attempts, failures or whatever is holding you back and start new! You can do it, and if you feel like you don't know if you can do what Nike says and, "JUST DO IT"!!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

A new journey

So as of Wednesday I became a runner! This is very new for me and I am very excited! I thought I should start a "progress journal", but since this is the era of blogging, I thought it might be more fun to share my journey with the blogging world. So here goes! I hope this will help me be more accountable, and just maybe it will be a little inspiring to those who read it. So, a little history into what has started this journey. In January of 09, I started on a path of getting healthy and taking a little more care of myself. I quietly, to myself made it "my year". You know, as mom's we tend to care for everyone else and get whatever is left over. So, I started eating better and lost 35 pounds, I went back to college to get my degree in Early Childhood Education and should be done with that next spring. For a few years now I have thought about running, but let's face it I was the girl in school who always "forgot" her gym clothes! So, needless to say, I'm not very athletic. But for whatever reason, maybe it's because I'm getting closer to 40, I thought I should make it a goal to run a 5k. Also, added to this goal, I am working on losing 18 more pounds. All of this by August 28, that is the day of the 5k called the Crim. So, here we go! Join me on this journey. Cheer me on, kick my butt, if needed, or just read along as I start this new phase of my life. Here is a before picture. This is before I lost any weight, and I will try to post pictures along my journey.