Saturday, July 3, 2010

Comfort Run

So today is Saturday!!! Yay, I love weekends! This past week proved to be a very challenging week. To start the week off I had two Dr. appointments on Monday, one on Wednesday, hubby and I had to cover for one of my friends, who works the small side business that we still have, and on top of all the extra, worked lots of hours. Ok...not asking for pity or an "awe you poor thing". I'm just setting the scene for what would normally cause a diet disaster! STRESS! To my surprise, I could not wait to go run! It was the thing that I looked forward to! It has become my escape. In the buried past, I would have escaped to Taco Bell, or to any ice cream parlor to drown my stress, but not this time! I LOVE running! Even after a looooong stressful day, I can't wait to run. This is just not like me. I am not the girl who stuck to a regular exercise routine, but there is something different about running. I am now a "runner girl" and I love it! I can't wait for the Crim! So instead of getting some comfort from filling my belly with things that are not the best for me, I am now finding comfort in the warm breeze, the sound of my feet hitting the pavement, the sweat dripping down my face and the awesome feeling of accomplishment when I have challenged myself to go a little bit farther! Trust me even as I read this I think, "who is this girl typing these words". It is the new me, the me that has decided to take care of me, the me that wants my kids to see their mommy healthy and fit, the me that is following God's plan and not being so stressed that I fumble around blindly doing my own thing. I am living life on purpose, making choices on purpose! So, in pushing through this week, and making good choices, I weighed in this morning at 135.5!!!! This is an 11 year low. So, whatever you're facing on your journey, don't give up! Push through and find some comfort in something that will make you a better you!

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