Saturday, June 26, 2010

Let the past go!

Well, this whole blog idea has really just been a nice idea! Like many things that seem like good ideas when first started, I didn't realize how I just really don't have the time to manage this "thing" too! So, my posts will be scattered. I will try to do a "Weigh in Wednesday" to track my weight loss goal, which by the way is only 12 lbs. from becoming a reality! Then here and there I will post on my running progress. So here is my second installment! Enjoy : )

The reason I called this " Let the past go " is because there are just things in my past that try to hold me back, and just minutes ago I shared with my 8 yr. old that we don't dig up things that are buried. So let me explain. Billy the toad was Brendan's new pet. We purchased a new habitat for the little hopping creature and bought him food pellets, the works. To our dismay Billy the toad didn't like the pellets so he went on a hunger strike and refused to eat, and died. Brendan had a burial for the little guy. Brendan's friend came over to play today and he wanted to show his friend the "evidence". I told Brendan that once we bury something we don't dig it back up. We let it go. This simple command spoke something to me. I have started many diet and exercise plans and have not completed or stuck to just about all of them. So this time I have been fighting the past that wants to take a "cheat" day, or just not follow through. But, I've decided that this is not just a good idea, but the way that I am going to live for the rest of my new healthy life!!! The past is in the ground, and I am not digging it back up!!! Food is not going to be the focus of every event in my life, but a way to sustain life. I have made a commitment to run the Crim 5K in August and I am following through!!! My running partner and I ran 25 minutes straight for the first time in both of our lives the other night! It was such an amazing feeling, and yesterday for the first time in my life I tried on bikinis with the surprised hope of actually going in public wearing one! I'm not quite there yet, but maybe this summer ; ) I know these things may seem trivial to some, but when you've grown up not feeling good about the way you look and feel about yourself, when you finally start to find that person that you were meant to be, it is exhilarating! So, that's where I am today. I hope that this will encourage you to bury the past mistakes, attempts, failures or whatever is holding you back and start new! You can do it, and if you feel like you don't know if you can do what Nike says and, "JUST DO IT"!!!


  1. I'm soooooo proud of you :) You looked awesome last summer when I saw you. I can't imagine how "hot" you are now mama :) Once Lucas is a little easier, I plan on getting back on the treadmill. I only do it here and now because I'm just too exhausted by 9:00 when the kids are in bed. Perhaps that's the excuse I need to bury! Keep up the good work. You rock!

  2. This is awesome, Marla!! So excited for you, for this run, for the goal, for the decision. I'm on that path myself.. or at least working towards it! This is definitely an encouragement to me! Oh, and you look amazing!! :)


  3. Oh, and even though you may not post all the time... I'm still gonna follow ya sista! I'm adding you to my google reader ;)

  4. Thanks Tab! Sorry it took so long to comment back! Trying to get the hang of this ; )
